[BSD-RP] Human World: Naruki City


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The Dance of Despair

How could someone of this caliber exist? Where the thoughts that flooded his mind as one by one they threw everything they had at him, and barely left a scratch on his person if even that. The Arrancar remained dormant for so long after the two front blitz they performed on the Soul King's blood, they hadn't made any moves until recently. Now one man stood before them toying with them as if they were mere insects there to just pass the time until something more entertaining happened to win him over. Despite the big disadvantage, they all went at it with unwavering resolve with the first of them to have their flame snuffed out being his friend Izanagi. A small flicker of hope remained for him as what remained of his spiritual power faded away by the second, and with him needed to be treated immediately. Shoumetsu could only hope at this moment his laziness was even capable of defying death until help came for him.

The last thing he witnessed before getting plunged into the ground by the God-King was the gruesome result of his Lt final stand. It was difficult for him to stomach even somebody as strong as Jinnosuke had just got taken out with little effort from this Arrancar whom they were all struggling against in this battle against him. Literally forced out of his thoughts when he descended directly down into the building beneath him with destructive impact. Recovering as he attended right away to not waste any time knowing Shizuka and he was left to face this monster alone, and no signs of further reinforcements to come as their request got denied. In his moments of getting ready to relocate his shoulder back into place, someone who has willingly thrown himself against opponents to bring him to the brink of death knew what it meant to experience the despair of death. In a split second every instinct in him yelled something was severely wrong, and there was no time to second guess or hesitate on what needed to be done. Without thought, his artificial arm on his back violently cut his body diagonally where Max had touched his left shoulder, removing it away as if it was cancer growing on him. Consecutively with that action, Shoumetsu and his zanpakuto spirit Enshojo came to a joint consensus. Fuck humanity. As he bisected part of his upper body all the strength of his body was used to put as much distance from the severed half of him, launching away with such brute force he could feel the muscles in his legs staining. A large eruptive shock wave burst from where he kicked off leaving a trail of blood splattering along the ground in his wake.

For once in all of Shoumetsu's years of endless fighting and a life of violence his will to survive outweighed the monstrous bloodlust that consumed him. His instinct to act immediately and take advantage of the sekkiseki, the clawed fingers of the artificial arms, was to disrupt completely what awaited him or weaken it enough to outlast its outcome at a great cost. In the midst of his launch, this was an all-or-nothing instance where he used everything in his power to strive to survive this monster, continuing with his original thoughts from the start.

“Bankai….Enshojo Kaminari-kei!”

The amount of power his Bankai reached a whole new height with his zanpakuto offering all of her spiritual power to him, and drawing from his very own life force for more power. His once blonde had quickly turned pale in response, refusing to give up until the very end no matter what he needed to sacrifice. The metal skin from his Bankai spread across his body, sealing his wounds shut as the unique metallic alloy encompassed his person, only getting a brief second to see what damage he endured. With a large section of his entire left side missing, and his right hand completely missing, he fought back the pain breathing heavily. Right now his Bankai happened to be the only thing helping keep him standing along with his willpower to survive. He didn't have the luxury to stop gathering his thoughts or even take a minute to breathe, as the momentum from his launch carried him through a series of buildings before being able to stop himself. Immediately changing his path and bursting through one of the collapsing buildings that toppled in destruction, he could feel Max's true power now being unleashed. The point became even more clear than before, that this was a losing battle and they needed a Captain's aide to deal with this Arrancar proudly boasting of himself as a god.

Keeping his full awareness of the threat they faced he cleared a small bit of distance away from where Shizuka was left to face such a menacing opponent alone. Calling forth metallic objects around his immediate vicinity he formed a left-arm made of scrap while where his right hand used to remain a singular serrated blade took its place momentarily. He knew that his Banaki could only maintain him for so long before it faltered too from his critical condition. With the ground beneath his fallen Lt Jinnosuku body and Izanagi who hanged on by a thread, breaking off to carry them hastily to Shoumetsu's location he used his blade to open up Senkaimon and send them directly through to where the 5th or 10th division members awaited on the other side to retrieve them. Although, as the Senkaimon closed in front of him, Shoumetsu did not exit with the delivered bodies. In Naruki he remained no longer driven by his insatiable bloodlust or pride as a swordsman to continue fighting, but he could not leave Lt. Shizuka to face this monstrosity alone. With his Bankai holding strong as long as he could maintain it, he set his eyes to where the battle had taken place and headed to continue to aid the brave Lt until they both happened to get out of here alive or died trying.

However, if this was all for naught and Shoumetsu finally faced the one who granted him a true warrior’s death it wouldn’t be his life flashing before his eyes. A true warrior to the very end he saw everything played out like he was watching a movie. Even if it meant his end he knew Shizuka was still fighting and would give his final ounce of life to help ensure his survival. Transferring all of his spiritual energy to him until the very last moment to give him more time to hang in there for help to save those who they could.



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Spiraling Defeat!

The sound of metal meeting metal reverberates into the air, the origin of this sound is from the meeting of Maximiliano’s hand against the blade of the Tenth Division Lieutenant Shizuka Hyouzoku. But what of the heat and electricity coursing through the blade, wouldn’t his hand burn? Indeed it would, if not for the spirals he can generate from his body. The shape of the spiral occurs naturally within the universe, from fingerprints to the shape of galaxies and this monster has dominion over this shape. From his fingertips spirals form and expand outward, pushing away the lightning from the blade that sought to burn him. Being this close to him as well meant that the orbiting Spirals around Max would drift and further consume the lightning encompassing his body and yes, even the orbs at his back were not spared. Their strength rapidly waned, rapidly depleted bit by bit by being in proximity to the God King’s power, but the worst was yet to come.

Driving the Lieutenant back through buildings due to his lack of defensive strength granted Max an opening. By twisting his hand to the left he generates a mostly circular motion which creates a spiral that Max uses to further increase his beastly strength. Shizuka might be able to hear the cries of his Zanpakuto moments before it snaps in two. His half hearted effort to defend himself will cost him his blade. With the blade removed this means Max’s hand is no longer halted as it now moves forward, grasping his face. A pulse of energy flows from the core of Max’s body, up his arm and right into the palm grasping Shizuka followed up with the God King throwing him down to the ground below to be buried by dust and rubble. The red Reiatsu that was flowing through and around Max now fades and returns to its original purple color. Perhaps the color change came from the sudden release of his strength, like hot iron burning red and finally cooling off.

”Liberate yourself, Amigo, you fight to defend when you should be fighting to take.”

There is a spike of Reiatsu not far from them, a spike not as grand as the Lieutenants but that may be due to the state of the one creating the spike. Regardless it is enough to grab the attention of the God King, a chance to observe another Bankai. The fool should have run, to activate Bankai in the presence of Max at this point means he is choosing to challenge him directly. Yes, no longer will mere Shikai be on his radar, to grab his attention now it will require the few unique individuals who possess the power known as Bankai to distract him. But this Bankai was straining and the user was fading, such a thing was unsightly, to witness such degenerate suffering. At the very least the weak should try to die with dignity, after all, they are being killed by God himself.


Somehow this Shinigami survived the Spiral placed on him by Max, that spiral was to give him a quick death but it seems he chooses suffering over that. He tried to give him a gift and he spit in his face, but it matters not because the God-King is generous and will give him a second chance at death. Horribly injured, barely able to move and draining his own life force to expel his energy he is lacking in options. Before he is seen he is felt, the gripping Reiatsu that is no longer held back by the shawl he wore binds his broken body to its current location. This paralyzing Reiatsu is felt in greater intensity as the God King appears before him, hunched low, his fist already drawn back. He tried to show them this earlier, preparing an attack whilst moving makes the surprise attack that much more… Surprising. He wishes to test something out against his paralyzed victim, this metal man will have to endure something no soul has ever felt, being hit by a planet. Once he appears in front of the metal man the rotation of the earth spirals into him, fuels the speed and strength of this next attack. It should not be misunderstood in any capacity, the moment Max is seen the punch is thrown and the sound of the impact was deafening, the sight of it, blinding.


Naruki City quakes and trembles at the punch, sky scrapers recoil as their glass shatters and rains to the streets below, some even snapping in half from the force alone. The sight of the impact created a massive crater that dug a trench into the ground for half a mile. The power of the punch was devastating but all of it was focused on his target, not to mention Max has control over his power, though he considers it sloppy that he caused this much damage with it. He looked at his hand, the punch left everything up to his elbow engulfed in smoke that flowed without end and leaving Shoumetsu Takaiuro with nothing. He closes his eyes, drifting into the feeling of the Earth’s rotation, it grants him so much power, power he will only ever feel when in this world. It is almost sad, like a fleeting love he can never truly enjoy as his presence in the living world is not healthy for it. He even takes a moment to look at the devastation, though notices the building belonging to his new comrades encased in darkness and still standing. Max has no reason to terrorize humanity, it is beneath him to do so and his little visit today made him a bit fond of them.

A Hollow he may be but his aim, his goals, never involved humanity. His goal was only ever to prove a singular point, that Hollows can be anything they want.

”This has been an enjoyable day.”


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A Downward Spiral

It is rare to see helplessness be so perfectly defined as it is here and now. Only the strongest is able to resist even this inkling of the God King’s attention. Lieutenant Shizuka Hyouzoku, fighting so hard to protect his allies, and failing in every regard, is the last one to stand strong. Despite the chaos surrounding him, despite his fears and worry, there was sure to be one feeling, one underlying emotion deep down within his core: pride. Pride in his own strength for standing now, even if his moral conscience prevented him from thinking it, there would be a feeling that he understands what it is to be strong, understands the meaning of strength.

He is wrong.


Shizuka “Lightning God” Hyouzoku, once a tired and troublesome layabout, now forced to take responsibility for the Division his superiors left behind. Commander Kagayaki chose to bring his trusted Lieutenant with him, and yet abandoned his own protegee to the wolves. Living to die on the front lines, Hyouzoku has seen the death of many allies, seen the defeat of many a strong foe. Yet he has never succeeded in saving a friend, nor in defeating an enemy. Still, he fought on, still he refused to give in, to give up. Now, after watching his comrades be picked apart one by one, after watching his foe gloat and boast the highest blasphemy, Shizuka proves that he is not Higen’s forgotten disciple, rather, he is Higen’s successor.

The Will of the Tenth lives on in the cerulean eyes of the Lightning God.

He charges forward, the sole survivor, despite all odds, to secure any semblance of victory that he can. Knowing well that even in his bankai state, he cannot compare to that of the God King himself, Shizuka plummets forth in a suicide charge. In this moment, the Lieutenant represents all that it means to be a Shinigami. His bravery is enough to inspire admiration, or at the very least, pity, in the hollow heart of Hueco Mundo’s God King. Yet his moment of glory is short lived.

Shizuka’s will could not be broken by the God King, his determination unable to be shattered. However, the same can not be said for the Lieutenant’s body, nor his blade. He would be forced to watch as his Bankai, that legendary power that he had worked for centuries to obtain, is obliterated before his very eyes. His final attack, his final glorious charge, cut short in an instant.

The God King’s hand would collide against the electric blade, spiraling it out of existence, before clasping itself around Hyouzoku’s face. He hangs from the God King’s grasp, suspended only by his head, the weight of his body strains the muscles of his neck. Feeling the cold, marble-like digits, pressed against his skull, fracturing the bone, all Hyouzoku would see is darkness. The God King may think to crush it right there and then, squashing the Lieutenant’s head like a fruit in his palm, yet something within him causes the Arrancar to pause. Instead, a beam of red energy is sent like a wave of destruction through Hyouzoku’s body, before he is released from the sky.

Tossed aside like discarded trash, Shizuka’s vision would blur, his consciousness fading, as his broken body hurdles through the air. The very fiber of his being, his soul, and the spiritual power that composes it, feels like they are on fire. As though every molecule of his existence were being destroyed, and rewritten, on an endless cycle. Shortly after,he would be granted a small reprieve from this pain, as his unresponsive body collapses against the cold concrete. Like a corpse, Shizuka lay limp, broken, upon a pile of debris, steel, rebar, and asphalt, his only cushion being the very crater formed by his opponent.

His last images are of his friends. Jinnosuke’s headless body and Izanagi’s burnt torso. Shoumetsus fate, it seems, was to be obliterated in a crowd of dust. Only moments ago they had all been teasing each other on a rooftop, confident in the strength they each possessed. Now, they lay scattered about indecipherable from the corpses of the pedestrians they also failed to save. Shizuka lay, a broken bankai, a broken body, a broken...will. His soul slowly disintegrating, falling victim to some unseen attack. Is this what it had come to? All those lifetimes of training, the work to obtain power, the fights against innumerous opponents, all the blood sweat and tears shed as shinigami?

None of it mattered.


Years In the Making

So, this is where he finds himself. A Lieutenant, the Commander’s Disciple, dying from the clutches of a monster. One of the Seireitei’s top Shinigami, completely helpless. Helpless to an evil far beyond his capabilities, to a power far beyond his reach.

That is…



Shizuka Hyouzoku wakes with a jolt, his body in shock, his mind racing as though waking from a nightmare. However, anything his mind may have conjured then could only be described as a dream compared to the nightmare he finds himself in now. His body is undamaged, completely untouched by the destructive red energy, fractured leg and skull nonexistent. In fact, he appears in better physical condition than ever before. The power he feels coursing through him is unlike any he has felt before. Is this how it feels, to never tire, is this how it feels to be completely and utterly strong? Small tendrils of white begin to form from thin air in front of Shizuka’s face. These tendrils whirl and spiral, until they expand instantly connecting to one another, until…


Launching himself backwards in the air, his body moves on its own. No, it's not that...his instincts, his natural reflexes have been heightened. He can observe Maximilliano clearly now, can track his movements through the oppressive weight of reiatsu, though still with some difficulty. Regardless, the gap of power between them has changed. In fact, Shizuka has never felt strength like this, never experienced raw and unbridled power. His body bursts at the seams with energy,

Yes, this is the miracle he had prayed for, this is the universe evening the odds.

Now, his body transforms in front of his very eyes, now he holds a power on the same plane as the God King.

Now, he knows strength.




New member



The sparks were flying as the Vice-Captain of 10th Division began his clash against the deadliest Arrancar to touch the Human World. Unable to completely defend against his mighty assault, Shizuka raised his Zanpakuto up quickly to defend this dastardly foe. As the Raiken himself was being pushed back by Maximiliano. He felt something odd, something wasn’t right. Even though it was hard to deduce what was producing this terrifying feeling while being flung through buildings. Shizuka persevered, checking every facet of Maximiliano’s body.

The black holes?!

As Shizuka exclaimed in his mind, the process of his undoing was already commenced. The orbs of lightning that generated from his back were being constantly drained by these deadly spirals. The lightning that exuded itself from his blade, was also in the process of dwindling down. To the point where the coveted blade of his tempered Bankai lost it’s own prominence. Then finally, the lightning armor that shrouded his body, was being sucked away piece by piece. Sent into a spiraling void of hell until it ceased to exist. Just by being near Maximiliano’s reiatsu for a short period of time warranted this effect. “The God” himself was going to take advantage of his overwhelming power. Ready to rid his allies of the fleas he calls Shinigami.


Shizuka couldn’t resist this effect much longer, he had to find a way to escape Max’s wrath. Just from the God-King’s spirals absorbing the spheres that encompassed him. The Lieutenant’s Bankai was being snuffed out. The orbs existence in the world allows him to control his power, without their presence he slowly begins to lose control over his power. His form flickering on and off like a light, he still perseveres on with his blade in hand until………


Just like that, the spirals in Max’s fingertips overwhelmed Shizuka’s blade. Twisting it out of existence until the blade broke off into two pieces. Shizuka’s eyes lit up, his mouth wide open in absolute awe. As he witnessed his own Zanpakuto be effortlessly destroyed in Bankai. Sadly there was no time to process this once again for the God-King was relentless. Soon grabbing the Lieutenant’s entire head with his gigantic palms, lifting his skull up into the air like a trophy. Gifting the Vice-Captain with a quite literal skull crushing grip. The boy couldn’t writhe in agony, respond with force or even plead. His will was destroyed. Shizuka’s body hanging from the branch of the God-King’s tree. The rest of his lightning armaments that weren’t subject to spiralfication disappearing from existence, similar to the lightning reiatsu that invaded his eyes. His Bankai broken, allies annihilated, confidence shattered.

It’s Over…..

The God-King begins to build reiatsu from his core, flowing through his entire body until it all vents to his arm, finally creeping into his hand. Shizuka could feel this entire process, but with his fading consciousness all he could think about were the people he was leaving behind. His comrades in 10th Division Izanagi, Tosu, Sango, Koyo. His lover Blume and his eventual child to whom he learned of merely hours ago. His parents who still remained in the Rukonagi, oblivious to their sole son’s eventual death. Then finally the ones who he had owed the most gratitude towards, the ones who had welcomed him into their home with open arms and treated him like family Fuyuko and Higen. Slowly drifting in his thoughts, he thought he was disappointing his mentor and former Captain. Faltering in the World of the Living that he left up to him, by dying with no resistance. But then, a weak smile crept on his face even as Max was preparing to annihilate him. Higen would move on proudly with his life, knowing Shizuka died fighting a warrior’s death on the battlefield. A death that he relishes himself, it’s the only way to go out for him. Shizuka had accepted his encroaching fate, but then all of this is halted by the God-King’s choice of actions. Sending a burning course of energy like a wave of destruction through Shizuka’s entire body. As he watched the surge of energy corrupt the teal-haired boy, he spoke in a vicious manner.

”Liberate yourself, Amigo, you fight to defend when you should be fighting to take.”

Max’s last word to Shizuka before launching his body straight into the building rubble they had just ran through. Landing the shinigami in a mess of debris, rubble, and glass.


Just another body laying stiff in the mass destruction caused by the battle of Naruki City. Shizuka remained oblivious to Shoumetsu’s ongoing battle with Maximiliano. The only thing Shizuka could feel was the searing pain he felt throughout his entire body. His physical body not being able to react from being completely desolated by the God-King, but he was subject to every ounce of pain that was coursing through his veins. It felt as if his own body, was purging his soul from inside out. It felt as if his entire body was being reforged in every aspect. It felt as if……. His entire body was transforming. The vice-captain’s hunches didn’t fail him, he was correct to assume his body was undergoing a change. The makeup of his soul would forever cease to exist how it was before this phenomenon. Maybe this wa-

Shizuka would proceed to blackout momentarily. Nothing in his mind but the empty void. But then-


Shizuka would open up his eyes as wide as he possibly could. His breathing increased heavily, he could do nothing but exhale and inhale wildly. Still unable to move, but now his body felt…… normal. No. It felt astronomically better, he felt in better shape than he had ever been in his entire stint as a shinigami. His skull that was once cracked under the pressure of the God-King, the leg that was once charred beyond measure, and the body that was once tattered were all completely healed. On this realization, Shizuka’s body began to lift itself out of the rubble, and into the air backwards before straightening himself out standing upwards in air. His reiatsu that was all but depleted just merely moments ago, was now brimming once again.


Feeling the world once again, everything felt completely different. He still felt Max’s reiatsu, but that overwhelming oppressive feeling that it was generating on it’s full reveal ceased to exist for Shizuka. This oppressive force was snuffed to an extent, even when his tempered Bankai failed to do the same. Now he was without a Bankai or a functioning Zanpakuto, and he felt… stronger ever than before. He put his head down momentarily, he felt a deep resurgence of his will and strength come back to him. Just the amount pressure he held within his body was higher than the norms he had be accustomed to his entire life. Then at the same time this new growth of power felt all too natural, familiar, as if his body could handle this and MUCH more. Then suddenly his completely healed body seemed to burst from within creating a devastating display of reiatsu once more. Similar to the display upon his releae of Bankai, but deadlier. Now the skies regained their dark veil, and the heat he produced struck so high within the atmosphere it created a sudden influx of rain. Causing a complete devastating thunderstorm around the entirety of Naruki City and much further. Larger than ever before, oppressing everything in the realm along with
the only Shinigami left being Shoumetsu who was currently in Bankai. The streaks of lightning that surrounded Shizuka’s body would then start to change it’s hue. The normal blue discharge of lightning that exploded from his body who begin to darken beyond measure. Continuing on until the once pure blue electricity he was generating transformed completely into “darkness”, that darkness being complete obsidian black lightning. Simultaneously as this was happening Shizuka would see white tendrils manifest out of nowhere. They would curl and wrap around his face until it was completely covered. Shizuka didn’t attempt to resist this process. All he felt was power emanating from him as soon as the tendrils fully covered his face. His view slightly obscured, before milliseconds later he realized quickly he could see even better than before. He welcomed this power, he didn’t question it. In fact all he wanted now was power. This sensation was almost overwhelming, the Shizuka who was seen as a protector of this city, could care less if Naruki were to burn down today. He did not care if Izanagi were to evaporate into thin air or if Shoumetsu met his timely demise at the hands of Maximiliano. No. Now he was strictly focused on one goal and one goal only.

The God-King’s demise


Maximiliano would be finished launching his assault against Shoumetsu. Marveling at his own ability to cause such destruction at just his physical strength. He would be too enamored in the power Earth’s rotation grants him. While the power he gained was unrealistic, he would be oblivious to the monster he intentionally created, all but forgetting so quickly about what he did to the Vice-Captain. Just as he caught Shizuka’s comrade Izanagi staring blankly at the Stephania’s building the bloodlusted Lieutenant would return the favor for him.

”This has been an enjo-“

Max wouldn’t be prepared for the surge of black lightning caving in the side of torso. He’d be welcomed to the now “masked” Shizuka, dragging his entire leg into the Arrancar’s side with a destructive amount of force. Using Shunpo he trekked miles away in one step, appearing out of thin air it seemed like to the deadly Arrancar. The shockwave just from the impact of Shizuka’s leg striking Max would annihilate the ground beneath them causing the crater of horrendous magnitude. Shizuka was in full control of this strength that was granted to him, striking the exact same side he attacked earlier. He was aware Max’s Hierro was way too much for him before, fragmenting the bones that were in his leg just on contact. With this newfound power though, not only would he know he’d be unscathed surely. But Max would be sent flying kilometers away with the kick, tunneling through the asphalt on his path unhindered before landing into another building far off. This was the beginning of a new chapter of power for the Raiken. Now it was time to continue the welcome party.


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Fatal Attraction

Right, when the duo thought there was a slither of hope left for the two, their opponent thought otherwise. Shizuka valiantly braved the blunt force of the God-King long enough for him to escape with the hair of teeth from the spiral that consumed half of his left body, and get Izanagi out of Naruki's back to the Seireitei where help awaited him. Their fates were no longer in his hands, but the fight between Max still raged on witnessing how he just nullified Shizuka's intense lightning surging from his Bankai like it was nothing. The only real thing he had to go off of was how his reiatsu shape seemed to spiral around him, giving him a small inkling it was being redirected as if layers continuously got peeled away. The fact the two of them managed to remain standing before such a brute monster was a testament to a miracle in itself, but how long they could hold up against him was the question. The damage sustained from that spiral power left Shoumetsu in pretty bad shape, and the only reason he managed to survive it was because of his honed instincts.

The battle-hardened Lt soon found himself getting completely overwhelmed by Max who effortlessly bulldozed him through multiple buildings. With his body getting discarded away to the ground he felt the sudden drop of Shizuka's spiritual power plummet, and that is when the despair started to creep in like a black veil devouring him into endless darkness. At that moment he could sense all of Max's animosity directed straight to him next with the overwhelming sensation of death suffocating him. With this realization, he didn't buckle under fear but welcomed the death of the warrior he strives for. Not by some cheap tactless ability, but by the God-King's very own hands. However, with this acceptance of death came clarity of unnatural calm of mind. Ah yes, this feeling was all familiar to him; Ultimate Musuo. Naruki City melted away from him until there was nothing but darkness with a single beacon of ominous light detected an emitting wave of reiatsu washed over his body.

While in his Ultimate Musuo he entered into a near trance-like state of mind. His mastery over sensing reiatsu allowed him to notice the enemy's spiraling energy closing in on him like a vice grip siphoning all of his body's mobility, and leaving him frozen in place. Along with his unique sight granted to him from his Bankai to be fully aware of all beings within his territory, he could tell that this was it for him one way or another. Even though Shoumetsu may have accepted his death did not mean he was willing to surrender to death. That burning undying resolve to survive never went out, and although his body didn't respond to his will to move his mind remained as intuitive and sharp as ever.

For a second all of Shoumetsu's senses were pushed beyond their limit, and the remainder of his Bankai focused solely to create a powerful pull centered on him. He envisioned Enshojo physically manifesting herself beside him with her large hands gripping him, and immediately throwing him with all her might toward the edge of his boundary out the destructive path of Max's devastating punch. Channeling all of his Bankai power to pull him to one of his electromagnetic orbs' boundaries off to the side to avoid taking the power head-on. Unfortunately, he still got caught with the edge of the attack's force causing the metal skin to be shattered away like glass. The magnitude of this punch was unfathomable to believe anybody could pull such a feat off. His body got sent flying away like a rag-doll no longer to control himself smashing and skidding through the city.

The Rise of the Demon of Calamity

One thing Max was wrong about them; they were far from being weaklings. They both possessed the potential to exceed their limits. Only if for a second Shoumetsu managed to get a taste of what he could truly achieve. As his body was now completely exhausted and the wounds toll finally kicking in, after it all he had gone as far as he could go at this time. He might have managed to survive by the skin of his teeth, but now with his Bankai shattered away his zanpakuto returned to their sealed states with one of his kodachi fractured, and the other completely broken. His spiritual energy became very faint and only seemed to become dimmer the longer he was left in his critical condition slipping away. Shoumetsu barely conscious managed to sense a sinister reiatsu coming from where he last detected a sliver of Shizuka's spiritual energy alerting him he still lived. However, with whatever sudden transformation or power overtook him, he could sense Shizuka rose from the ashes.

The raindrops felt refreshing on Shoumetsu's broken body with the sound of the crackling lightning and booming lighting up the darkened sky of Naruki City. You are the lightning born from the storm. It seemed the universe agreed on the same sentiment that they were not weak, and from this despair, Max unbeknownst gave birth to a demon. With Shoumetsu's life teetering on the fine line between life and death, he glanced up to see his zanpakuto spirit sitting on a rock beside him. If this is where his story came to a climactic ending, he was willing to die peacefully knowing he saved Izanagi and in the comfort under the eye of the storm. Now leaving the rest in Shizuka's hands the battle was over for Shoumetsu, as he heard the last comforting words of his zanpakuto spirit before succumbing to his condition and blacking out.


"Shoumetsu...you pathetic dumbass...live."
