[BSD-RP] Soul Society: Southwest Seireitei


New member


*Michi was halfway to the north west before she patted down her skirts pockets, realizing the fact of dropping the shogi board sized purple gem on the way. Her eyes went wide as she began to feel her other pockets. The gem was nowhere to be found in her pockets, she gulped the fact she lost the gem. The elder would be very disappointed in the fact she not only dropped the gem but lost it. Michi went into a state of panic, her heart racing, her eyes going blank. Although half way, actually mostly still in the south west of the Seireitei, she dropped to her knees closing her eyes, breathing in and out for a few minutes. That was when she saw two child-like figures standing before her, twins to be exact. She looked around in the scenery seeing she was like floating in space, with earth in her view. Then she looked down to see she was standing on a grey surface that looked very much like it took hits from asteroids. That was when she clicked that she was standing on the moon. That was when she heard a male childish voice speaking up, it was like a playful tone*

“Why are panicking you goof? Get back up and trace the gem!”

*Michi heard the boy, who’s cloak was white with black accents on the end, having pale blue skin like if he was freezing cold, his eyes were bright purple much like the Kiyoshi’s clan would be and his hair black like hers. However his Sister who was standing next to him had the color's switched for the cloak, her skin was purple with her eyes being greyish blue that complimented her hair was white much like Michi’s odd streak in her hair. She looked like the shy one out of the two. Both of them had gold rings around them. The young Kiyoshi female eyes widened at them, realizing who they were and where she was. She was in her Zanpakuto spirit’s inner world and these were the twins she was back in earlier times in training. Her mind raced with questions like why did her Zanpakuto spirits show up now out of the all times. She gulped and began to bow at them, apologizing constantly making one of them laugh in their typical mischief manner*

*That was when she heard the male laughing til his stomach hurt. She heard the female speak up in her very soft voice, trying to guide Michi on what to do and comfort her. After the conversation they had, the twins and setting began to fade. Michi wakes back up to find herself even more calm than before. After a few minutes of meditation to calm herself down. Looking straight ahead she began to run in fast pace back to the Sixth division barracks, while going at quite a fast pace she looked on both sides of her vision, no glimmer in sight, all she saw was shinigami gossiping and chatting away. Their conversations had nothing to do with her, so she decided to avoid their rumors and gossip. After a few minutes she arrived at the 6th barracks, searching high and low, every corner she could think of.

None to be found, so she travelled back to her office, which was untouched since she left. She got on her all fours, palms on the floor with her knees and feet touching the floor. She looked underneath the desk, chair and every bookcase but no such luck. That was when she had struck on an idea. Could the fact her brother had the jewel? If so she would be relieved that it would be safe. Michi’s hands reached down to her pocket to drag out her silver denreishinki X, that had a bluish tint on the front screen bit.

*With that she began to dial her brother's number, hoping that Takashi would pick up his denreishinki X. If he did she tried to speak in a relaxed tone, asking as her heartbeat was echoing in her body. She gulped hoping that he had the jewel with him.*

“Takashi..may I ask have you picked the purple Jewel? that Jibun San gave to me?”


Staff member


The Soul Society was in a place of fragility. Its weaknesses were opened, exposed beneath the eyes or..rather the reign of the Great Judicator. It was a weakness he sought to remedy, unfortunately fate saw to it that such a mission was left to another. The Shining Commander picks up the torch passed to him. He had seen dangers still invisible to the rest of the Seireitei and because of this, he demands more of those who would call themselves Shinigami. The games devised by the Commander, is a game of life and death, grounds where the strength of the supposed strong is proven, while the weakness like a cancer, is snuffed out allowing for the rest of the body to survive.

The Thirteen Divisions struggle to maintain a balance between maintaining their duties, and becoming absorbed in the matches of each bracket. One place however is as silent as the very walls of the Second Division. It is a place still considered somewhat taboo, a ghost town of sorts if you will. It is the barracks of the Sixth Division. Once led by Shirogane, the Kuchiki Clan Killer, the Kuchiki failure, the ripples of his actions still linger within the heart of his former division. Known not only as a man who failed to become a Captain, a rarity for the noble clan, he had failed to protect the life of his son Yosuke, but he also failed to properly inherit the title of Clan Lord, failed in his ambition that inadvertently caused the hollowfication of the three vizards. His actions have caused the downfall of his clan, a stain that may very well never ever fade from history. His legacy is one of failure, a legacy the Sixth Division begrudgingly must bear.

It is for this reason that these Division grounds serve as an ideal hiding spot. Though the Kuchiki have left their mark on the Division, it seems the Kiyoshi intend to redeem it by way of Michi Kiyoshi. It was not that long ago that she returned to her division where the grounds had been ruined from combat, her cousin’s Lieutenant’s badge nearly destroyed, and then soon after she found herself suffering at the hands of Shoumetsu of Eleventh Division. Her accounts with the Division can hardly be called warm or welcoming, yet the Kiyoshi Princess perseveres, proving her will to be stronger than perhaps even she knew. With her mind elsewhere, focused on the missing heirloom of her clan, neither she nor any of the others are aware of the silent trespasser tucked behind the very building the young Kiyoshi occupies, shadows and brush shielding him from view.



The man is no soldier of the Sixth Division, recognizable perhaps only to those in the Tenth Division and at least one person in Fourth. He is Tōsu Shohei of Squad Ten.

Unbeknownst to him, his Superiors are in Naruki City, struggling with their very lives on the line. Having left his own barracks in an effort to avoid being found and bothered, he further removes himself from the grid by turning off his Denreishiki, and so the stressed clamoring is lost to him, nor is he capable of receiving any notifications at the moment. He is for now, fully removed from the anguish of his Division, ignorant of their suffering.

His back rests against the structure behind him, his Zanpakutō Natagumo also propped up against the wall beside him. From the way he is hidden, his eyes currently closed one might assume he was currently asleep, and had escaped to somewhere in solitude in the hopes of stealing a brief or extended nap. However though his eyes are closed the man is not in a state of rest, evident by the teal glow encapsulating his body. His breathing is steady, his closed eyes begin to lightly twitch as his surroundings begin to spiral, color bleeding out until all that remains are shades of grays and whites and pale blue. The Spiraling comes to an end. Before he had been sitting on the ground with his back against the wall, when he opens his eyes he is instead standing in a cavern weathered and abused by time. Fog covers the ground, his feet forever removed from view so long as he remained on the ground level.



He was no stranger to this abandoned place. While the dust and cobwebs may lead one to believe this place to be uninhabited, Tōsu knew the truth. His hand instinctively goes to his side where his Zanpakutō should be, a look of indignation immediately crossing his face. Instead of gripping the handle of his sword, his hand found…nothing. He looked at his left hip, then to his right, then began to turn around in circles like a dog chasing its tail as if seeking to inspect behind him in search of his blade.



The sound of amused cackling echoes throughout the dark and weathered cavern. It surrounds him, fills him. He steps further into the transformed world, a silhouette darting behind him. He whips around, eyes darting from left to right.



Again, he pivots on his feet, turning in hopes of catching wind of the elusive spirit. Despite the swiftness of the action, he still fails in catching the massive Silhouette. He clenches his teeth, annoyed at the mocking games of the stalking spirit. He stands unarmed and thus, incapable of defending himself against whatever surprise attack that may come his way. His eyes are ever in motion glancing around the cavern. His feet cross over each other as he carefully moves about, turning in constant hope of gaining some vantage point against what should be his closest ally. What he doesn’t perceive is the shadow on the ceiling, two green glowing lights like fireflies lingering there. As they do not readily move they were certainly not the noteworthy insects in question. No, they were more akin to a pair of eyes peering down at the roaming male.

Debris falling from the ceiling onto the ground causes Shohei’s head to jolt upward towards the ceiling, only for his eyes to meet…nothing?

“Step into my parlor-”

Tōsu angrily turns around, and while he expects to be met defiantly with empty air once again, instead he finds Natagumo towering over him. His face nearly completely suffused in shadow with only those ghoulish glowing eyes to take note of, that is until Tōsu’s eyes catch sight of what’s resting in the spirit’s hand.

“You lose something? KeKeKe”

In the grip of one of his four hands, is Tōsu’s zanpakuto. Natagumo teasingly taps the blade against his own chest, a look of utter aggravation reflected on the face of his wielder. Tōsu scoffs, clearly unamused at the monster’s antics, turning to walk away only to be stopped by the ground before him erupting, rock splintering every which way. The blade of Natagumo is embedded in the very ground, Tōsu’s image dimly reflected on its cool metal. Though his Zanpakutō in its shikai state was more a dagger than a sword, in the hands of the titanic spirit, it may as well be a giant cleaver. He glances back, the Oni stylized mask covering the spirits face staring down at him.​

Outside, his already closed eyes begin to clench tighter, lip quivering as the glow surrounding his body intensifies. Stimulated by the taunting of Natagumo, and the narrowly missed “attack”, his reiatsu begins to react, swelling and pressing against the wall supporting him. By now Michi who is on the phone, attempting to make contact with her older sibling, has or should have sensed the sudden spike of reiatsu from the man who, until now had succeeded in remaining silent, unnoticed and off the radar. Blood begins trickling from his nose, sweat starting to bead on his brow as his physical body sustains the burden of his own spiritual power.​

“What’s the rush, oh master of mine? You….seem distressed.”

The spirit lowers itself, so its massive face becomes more level with that of Tōsu’s body. Natagumo is demanding of his attention, there is no mystery behind its reasoning. He was itching to be fed another victim, to be amused with its master’s machinations as he weaves a web of lies and deception to trick his enemies, only for them to be consumed by his Zanpakutō.

“Perhaps…a light spar might lift your spirits? Or, maybe you could go out on patrol in the human’s world, find a hollow or two to take care of.”

As expected. The spirit lifts the blade from the ground, resting it over its shoulder, while two of its other arms coil around Tōsu to bring him closer. Truly, the spirit was an insufferable thing, working to goad its wielder into making use of its abilities in full, something it knows to be a futile attempt. Yet the spirit always tries, and is oddly always amused when it fails to persuade him. If it finds pleasure in both Tōsu’s resistance and surrender..then what was it truly after? This aspect of his Zanpakutō he never truly understood. The red-headed male turns his head, emerald colored eyes shifting over towards the caldronesque structure. He peers up the stairs towards the rustic, dust and web covered door.

“So…will you still not tell me?”

He asks, eyes never breaking away to look back at the looming Natagumo. There is silence between them, neither one saying a word to the other.


The spirit begins to chuckle, earning a disgruntled sigh from Shohei who closes his eyes. Of course, just what did he expect? Why would now be any different from any other time he’s asked?


The cackle grows stronger, louder as it erupts into crazed laughter. The cavern walls rock and shake in response, stone and debris raining down on them from overhead. The earth beneath their feet began to quake as the laughter only continued to grow in power and volume. If this kept up, it was likely this whole world would collapse under the boisterous laughter of the amused spirit. Tōsu covers his ears, clearly annoyed.​

His eyes jolt open, his chest heaves as his breathing is, for the moment labored and haggard. Sweat pours from his forehead as he works to steady his breathing, simultaneously bringing his reiatsu back under subjection to his will. He winces from the pain, lingering through his body, the result of losing his grip on his own spiritual power while immersed in Jinzen, no thanks to Natagumo.

“Fuck…such a total asshole.”

He grumbles out his complaint, mumbling under his breath as his hand reaches out beside him, gripping his sheathed blade. He stares at the sealed Zanpakutō, its sheath so finely polished he could see himself on its surface. Just what was Natagumo’s deal? What did it want, and more importantly, what was it working so hard to hide? What was behind that door that he was desperate to keep from him? No matter how many times he tried, or how much he racked his brain over it, he was always absent of any answer. Could he truly claim to have mastered his Zanpakutō? Could he honestly say Natagumo had submitted to him, despite being incapable of forcing him to answer a single question?

“What a bother..”



New member


As she was on the phone to Takashi, to see if he had the jewel she noticed a sudden change in the air, it got quite heavy, dense like if someone’s unfamiliar reiatsu was leaking out around her. at that very moment in time, which made Michi think back to a previous instance. When foreign member from another division asked them to leave but refused without a fight. That one individual was none other than the Eleventh division’s third seat, Shoumetsu. However despite it being very strong like his, it’s not as intense as theirs. Due to feeling the unknown Reiatsu, this caused her facial expression to look shocked, but not in fear. Michi felt very tense, speaking to the phone Cautiously to the phone not knowing if Takashi was there or not trying not to sound all off putting to her brother, who would probably begin to worry about her safety, especially after the Eleventh division's invasion.


“Sorry, I have to go Speak to you later .”

As she placed down her phone on the desk, forgetting to hang up the call, she placed it on the desk then she walked closer to her desk window, noticing the reiatsu was way stronger there. Cautiously she placed her hand on her Zanpakuto in case if That's when she had the idea the intruder could possibly be outside. Her small hands lifted up the window with ease, staring outside she noticed an unfamiliar male. He wasn’t part of the Sixth division nor the previous Eleventh Division member, Shoumetsu she met, boy he fucked her up pretty bad.

She stepped out the window slowly as she got closer to the person, once she was in front of him she wielded her blade, gently placing the blunt side underneath his chin making the intruder force the male “look” her way, her purple eyes studying his every feature. Michi noticed he was sweating profusely, having blood coming out of his nose, however she felt bad on the shape he was in, she kept her blade pressed against his chin that was until she notice he began to move which caused herself to retract the blade from his chin and jump a few feet back, still holding her blade pointing towards him in defence.

“Fuck…such a total asshole.”

Michi heard his complaint, her eyes gave him death glares watching how he moved his hand to his sheathed blade, yet she heard his voice once again but rather this time it made her eyebrow raised in confusion.

“What a bother..”

This greatly confused her, who was an asshole, what was a bother? To her mind he was probably talking about her. With that thought in her head she once again got closer holding the tip of her Zanpakuto underneath his chin, her eyes looking up at him in fierce manner, however she thought back assessed the situation the fact he probably didn’t notice she was there until her blade was practically going to slice his neck. She retracted her blade, placing it back in her scabbard. Despite placing her blade back she was still cautious, she coughed to grab his full attention and her voice cut through the awkward silence.

“Who are you? Please State your business with the Sixth Division.”


New member
Name Tag.png


His Zanpakuto knew how to provoke and bait responses; it drew ire from him. His weakness was evident with a single glance that was obvious. The games proved one thing, he was inept and unprepared for this. Unprepared for everything thrown at him, the spot his mother demanded he took. He could sense various things flying around him, different members of Divisions scurrying around. Problems within Naruki had picked up.

Finding a spot, he let his sword rest on his lap as he looked at it. Push it from his mind, his concerns and worries. Focus on the breathing, his heartbeat's pulse. Slowly listen into the thudding as it calmed and became steady. The floorboards began to slowly dissolve as steam rose from the floor. The water began to ebb and flow around him as the room changed.

One blink, and one would have missed it. Neikanyu sat, his eyes watching. His balled upright hand resting against his chin. A smile set on his face as his body remained submerged within the spring's hottest waters.



"Tsk tsk tsk."

"You are too emotional, Koyo, easy to manipulate if someone knows you well."


His Zanpakuto began to rise from the waters as steam rippled around its body. Koyo's sword vanished as it seemed to arrive at the fingertips of Neikanyu's left hand. The spirit's gaze hardened as he saw his wielder drawing a standard sword from water.

"You understand nothing, reaching for techniques you aren't prepared for...Koyo, I think it's time I show you how disappointing you are."

The being tossed the sword at Koyo as the Zanpakuto changed into a wooden plank.

He caught it, glancing at it like an anomaly; why was he wielding this weapon. Neikanyu must have read his thoughts as he strode out of the water. Dripping the hot liquid on the ground as he came to stand ten meters from Koyo.

"You seek keys you can't carry and ones you don't need. That blade is the closest thing to what you are doing, reaching for alternate options instead of facing reality. "

Koyo opened his mouth to protest, but Neikanyu had spoken enough, moving forward quickly. Using water like a jet stream to propel himself at Koyo. It had been quicker than most flash steps. Bringing the plank sideways, he attempts to slam it into Koyo.

"What the...Neikanyu, what's gotten into you?!"

Koyo was shocked he'd never considered releasing the water as anything but an attack. He brought his sword free and attempted to block with it, feeling the weight of a force from the speed of the impact. His teeth began to grit. He couldn't match the power; he was sent across the floor.

In the real world, bruises and minor burns appeared on his skin. They came from the water Neikanyu gave off, using it as a speed-increasing method. But this clash wasn't ending as his Zanpakuto kept up the assault. Coming forward yet again, this time obscuring the area with steam.

The cloud made it impossible to attack; its heat would scald him if he tried. Koyo made an attempt to go forward and attack. A swing of the weapon sideways came from the steam thick as fog. A powerful surge of water covered him, almost like the current of a river. Hitting the ground with a splash that left him wheezing on the floor.

Neikanyu tapped the wooden plank on the ground, leaving it to remain there for now. His face kept a blank expression; pummeling his wielder didn't bring him joy.

"You underestimate me and overestimate yourself; it's foul to come to me for techniques. "

Koyo got up, his skin burnt and having steam escape the flesh. He'd never thought about wielding Neikanyu this way. Hadn't even considered it, showing how immature he was. But could he survive any more of this onslaught? Bringing the weapon upwards, he glanced at its condition.

The blade had snapped in two like kindling. Koyo may as well of be using a toothpick. Neikanyu was an impressive blade beyond his comprehension; he sought techniques without understanding what he held.

"You are a child Koyo; give me a reason to remain your partner."

Koyo's eyes widened with shock as the idea went through his mind. Losing Neikanyu was unthinkable, the worst possible outcome. He began to speak through his sentence was broken.

"But I.....just wanted to." Koyo became silent as he realized how immature he was being. A child demanding answers from his elder. He was like a child at Christmas, demanding progress he wasn't ready for. He lowered his head to the ground. The sword he'd been using had been broken by the impact Neikanyu's shikai provided.

Koyo couldn't say it out loud, but he'd been a fool without equal. He'd not even considered the applications of his Zanpakuto's powers. Instead, like a naive child, he reached for everything but what was needed. He had no words for his partner.

The sword in his hand disappeared, Neikanyu's sealed for remerging. As the spirit's feet entered the water now.

"We are partners. I'll fight alongside you for now...But don't think some special techniques will make you better. I won't hand you keys you aren't ready for; go back."

Koyo reached out a hand coming from the trance, feeling the sting of pain and breathlessness. His chest ached, and his arm had signs of liquid burns. Koyo rested his head against the wall now. He could only wait and see the outcome. Koyo had earned the beating he got for reaching beyond his station. He wasn't able to take notes or learn from those people in the games. Otherwise, he'd of been in them himself.

He swallowed roughly, trying to catch his breath, feeling water in his lungs. It was amazing to think how lucky he was to have Neikanyu as his partner. To grow together in this Division in whatever direction the future took them. Koyo longed for power, but he understood it wasn't the way. Neikanyu had made sure his thickheaded master got the message.

Neikanyu submerged himself in the water inside his inner world, glancing at his hand. Koyo was a child, but his growth required tempering, and it was his job to do it.

"Someday, these springs will be brought back to life, but that day isn't near. You've so much to grasp and understand before you can even come close to it all. "

Koyo looked at the area he'd chosen to do this more closely with those final words. Reports must have come in; he couldn't go himself due to orders. But he could prepare things for Lieutenant Shizuka and Third Seat Kiyoshi. He began to help prepare for a return and complete whatever tasks a fourth seat was to do. Timid and unwilling to overstep his authority on select matters.

Koyo would work hard both in battle and administratively to benefit his Squad.


Staff member


Immersed in meditation he was unaware that the gig was up, and that his hiding spot had been compromised. His reiatsu which is typically kept reigned in had slipped from his subconscious hold, a result that led to him being discovered by the Moon Princess of the Kiyoshi Clan and Sixth Division, Michi Kiyoshi. Alerted to a foreign reiatsu, she is reminded of a painful experience, one where her Division was host to the unwelcomed. Her meeting with Shoumetsu taught her that not everyone who wore the same uniform as her, were as reasonable. A lesson learned, paid for with blood. She would not make that mistake again.

Caution guides her steps as she carefully and quietly observes this intruder. Her eyes confirm what she already knew through Reikaku; this man was a stranger to her, and certainly not a member of her Squad. She creeps and eases her way closer, observing the stranger's stillness, her sword in hand, prepared to defend her if it came down to it, like it unfortunately did last time. The man does not react to her, he doesn't seem to move at all. Studying him she notices that he seems unwell, sweat trickling off his form, the way his body lightly shook, then there was the nose bleed. A gentle soul by nature, she sympathizes with whatever seems to be ailing him, yet the scrimmage between her and Shoumetsu resurfaces, and she reinforces her guard once more. Sword at the man's chin, its only when he begins to truly stir awake that she retracts her Zanpakutō.

As if coming out of a deep sleep he mumbles to himself, retrieving his Zanpakutō. At first he is, seemingly oblivious to the young Kiyoshi's presence. This changes when she approaches him, extending her blade towards him. As if losing balance he tumbles to the side, his body rolling away only to land in a crouched position with his own sheathed blade in hand. The two stare in silence, and while its uncertain what exactly the Kiyoshi Princess is thinking, for Tōsu-

'Fuck. Looks like I've been found out...was this what Natagumo was secretly aiming for?! Wouldn't put it past the bastard.'

He begins racking his brain on how to explain his presence there. It was bad enough he was technically shirking his duties while also trespassing on another division's grounds, but he was also found out by a noble. He did his best to avoid running across them.

“Who are you? Please State your business with the Sixth Division.”

Michi is the first to break the stalemate of silence. Tōsu rises to his feet, only now feeling the blood that had been running from his nose. Wiping it off his mind begins to race even faster, searching for a clue, a verbal out in this situation. While thinking his mind finally aligns with what he sees, what he can truly see. From appearance alone, the woman, though someone he's never met, is familiar to him.

"Ehhh, my bad I-wait. You're Michi right? Michi Kiyoshi?"

He lifts his hands to show her he means no harm, hesitantly approaching her. Stating her name he begins to shift the direction of the conversation away from the explanation of his presence there as he addresses her with a tone of familiarity. He laughs awkwardly, his hand rubbing the back of his neck.


"You're Izanagi's cousin right? He's mentioned you a few times. He's my squad mate"

He further presses the point, dividing her focus or rather attempting to drive it away from the question she had asked by introducing a familial name to her. By letting her know there was a connection between him and her cousin, another Kiyoshi, he hoped to both lower her guard and spare him from any punishment he would perhaps otherwise incur at the wrath of a slighted or angry noble. Everything from his tone of voice, his laxed body language is meant to place the girl at ease. Hopefully this went about smoothly, he hated dealing with troublesome situations, and more importantly

He hoped she wouldn't rat him out to his Lieutenant whenever he got back.

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